Dodajte dozu elegancije i autentičnosti u svoju kuhinju s ručno izrađenim ovalnim keramičkim tanjirima. Ovi unikatni komadi umjetnosti dodat će elegantan i sofisticiran dodir vašem domu. Keramička ovalni tanjir je dimenzija 29 x 12,5 cm, a možete ga koristiti kao tanjir za serviranje ili kao tacnu.
Napomena: S obzirom da su proizvodi rezultat ručnog rada, svaki komad ima male varijacije u obliku, boji i glazuri, ali upravo zbog toga ih i volimo!
Za detaljnije upute o načinu njege vaših keramičkih proizvoda molim vas posjetite odjeljak Pravila trgovine ili nas kontaktirajte.
Add a touch of elegance and authenticity to your kitchen with handmade oval ceramic plates. These unique pieces of art will bring an elegant and sophisticated flair to your home. The ceramic oval plate has dimensions of 29 x 12.5 cm and can be used as a serving plate or a platter.
Please note that as these products are handmade, each piece has slight variations in shape, color, and glaze, which is exactly what makes them special and cherished!
For detailed instructions on how to care for your ceramic products, please visit the Store Policies section or contact us.